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ADD:42 Juying Road, Jinnan Economy Development Area, 300350, Tianjin, China         TEL:022-88716069   022-88716001 022-88716086

Drill Pipe Production Line


The company has introduced American MTI inertial friction welding machine and used medium frequency heat treatment device. Meanwhile, a group of experienced technicians and professionals are hired to develop scientific friction welding technology and heat treatment technology, which can narrow the heat affected zone of the weld and ensure the mechanical properties of the weld at the same time .The drill pipe production line has equipped with a complete set of online testing equipment, such as ultrasonic flaw detection, wet magnetic particle flaw detection, pressure testing machine, to ensure the product zero defects, further ensure the product quality and customer interests.Technical innovation is also made on the equipment used in drill pipe production, such as friction welding machine, pressure testing machine and intermediate frequency heat treatment equipment.Especially for the imported foreign equipment, on the basic usage and absorption of continuous innovation, its drilling pipe processing and manufacturing has been in the domestic advanced level.